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Capabilities: Instrumentation (3/9)
The five major component parts of a generic measurement instrument are shown in the schematic below. The schematic is an expanded version of the “Instrument” icon present in the schematic diagram of a measurement technique shown in Capabilities: Introduction.

The sensor, or sensing component often called the detector, is the component that is the active interface between the instrument and the property of the system that is being measured. A familiar example of a sensor is a thermocouple. The sensor types in which Faraday Scientific have developed particular skills and experience are shown in
Capabilities: Sensors (page 5).
It is necessary to process the raw signal derived from the sensor, which, for example, could correspond to a change in voltage output, or output current, to a form suitable to be an input to, typically, a digital processing stage. Processing of the raw signal is referred to as signal conditioning and is represented in the schematic by the Electronics icon. The functions of this signal conditioning, electronics, stage are shown in
Capabilities: Electronics (page 6).